Tag Archives: autism christmas

Our Autistic Christmas Tree (Brought to You by Callum)

I know what you’re thinking.

And you have a valid point.  Yes, even folks with neurotypical toddlers have experienced Christmases with no ornaments from toddler-reach level on down.  We did too with our first child.

But as with everything in life and autism – it’s all in the details.  Those of you who have an eye for detail and have/had children with sensory processing disorder or autism may have spotted it.  He has systematically removed all the ornaments that didn’t suit his purpose.  And then left each and every ornament with long ribbons or string.  This is because ornaments with short hooks or loops  won’t swing to his repetitive satisfaction.

It took me a while to notice the deliberateness of it.  And that was after several swing-worthy ornaments fell – causing Callum to come to me for help in putting them back on the tree.  When I attempted to put them down lower or higher?  He strenuously objected until I deduced the correct location.  His little brain had it all figured out, but it took mine weeks to see it.

I find that’s true with a lot of things about our kids, don’t you?